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Pružamo - Provide

Za vaše projekte pronalazimo optimalne izvore financiranja. Usluge pronalaženja izvora financiranja zahtjevaju procjenu vašeg projekta. Naši suradnici procijeniti će vaš projekt i predložiti optimalni način financiranja koji uključuje razne izvore: poticaji, bespovratna sredstva, najpovoljnij krediti i sl...
Uslugu prilagođavamo klijentu nakon detaljnog uvida u poziciju prozvoda na tržištu.

Pokrivamo slijedeće sektore:
Energetska učinkovitost ( zgradarstvo i obnovljivi izvori energije)
Malo i srednje poduzetništvo

We provide a variety of Project Finance Services for the Croatian  market. Project Financing Services requires the valuation of a project in terms of the capital needed, risks associated with the project and other issues that need to be sorted out. We have a specialized group of people who have the complete knowledge of this industry and work towards providing optimum funding for any organization. We are proficient at handling all types of projects and offer proper financing for capital intensive projects with ease.
We customize the service as per the requirements of the clients after a detailed assessment of their position in the market.

Industries we deal in :
Real estate
Energy efficiency

Izvori financiranja - Project finance

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